RSCC Call to CUNY Students: All Out to Demand Justice for Ramarley!

Source: Huffington Post


When: Thursday, May 31 from 5 pm to 9 pm
Where: 749 East 229th Street, Bronx, New York 10466

In early February 2012, a young Black West-Indian teen by the name of Ramarley Graham was murdered by the NYPD. This is not an isolated incident. Just this year there have been dozens of killings of oppressed-nationality people. From Trayvon Martin to Shaima Alawadi, unarmed peoples of color, mainly youth, have had their lives stolen. The perpetrators are not only individual white-supremacist bigots; the u.s Police State is – it can be argued – the main perpetrator in these killings. Whether it be the legality that allows these killers to go unpunished like George Zimmerman, or the actual state itself, it is clear that this oppression originates in the white-supremacist state that is inseparable from the origins of the u.s. and the NYPD is one of the many manifestations of this repressive state.

Richard Haste of the NYPD’s 47th precinct entered the home of Ramarley, with no warrant, and fatally shot young Ramarley. There have yet to be any indictments or prosecutions on the killer Haste. How many of the states’ own laws does it have to violate before we realize it is not for us!? How many more youth of color must be caged, hunted or murdered before action is taken? CUNY students must integrate with the struggles of the working-class, urban poor, and oppressed-nationality communities of NYC.

Every Thursday for the past several months, there have been vigils for this tragedy organized by Ramarley Graham’s family. The Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee (RSCC) makes a call to action, a call to solidarity and a call to end this oppression for Thursday, May 31 from 5 pm to 9 pm. We call on CUNY students and community supporters to join the Graham family in the vigil in front of 749 East 229th Street, Bronx, New York 10466 (between White Plains Road & Barnes Avenue). The vigil will be followed by a march to the 47th precinct, which is located at 4111 Laconia Avenue, Bronx, New York 10466 (corner of East 229th Street & Laconia Avenue). We will continue participating at every Thursday vigil until the last one on July 19.